- **update:** Add vendor biography REST support for vendor stores.
- **update:** Args are added on vendor-staff API endpoints.
- **fix:** WP Coding standard issue in Stripe Guest Customer Processing.
- **fix:** PHP Warnings in Geolocation Widget Filters.
- **fix:** Multiple Usability Issues in Product Rejection Feature.
- **fix:** Early return if the post is null or not a WP_Post instance in product rejection.
- **fix:** Tag listing issue for Booking & Auction products.
- **fix:** Add translated content for seller badge list table info text.
- **fix:** Add translated content for seller badge list table info text.
- **fix:** Resolved store location pin drifts away on the store listing page map when zooming out.
- **fix:** Store times widget UI compatibility issue with Elementor single store template.
- **fix:** Bulk editing product data no longer resets min-max values.
- **fix:** Update delivery time email template translation handling.
- **fix:** Booking calendar now correctly redirects to the booking detail page.
- **fix:** Payment Splitting in PayPal Marketplace.
- **fix:** Resolved an issue Mangopay Checkout Blocks Integration scripts not resolved for admin context